Who will be our first sponsor?

If you are interested in sponsoring one of our teams or the club please contact us for more details

Details of our sponsorship deals


Sponsor of Mini Rugby Team 20 Jerseys

            Sponsor will have logo printed on front of shirt
            Also logo will be on team website at the top area of sponsorship page
            Media coverage with all local papers
            Mentioned on Facebook and link to their own website from our website
Photos of new kits and signage on Facebook page and full editorial on same

            Cost:  €500 for year

Additional signage to be at all functions and home games of a large sign printed with agreed signage: €50


Sponsor of Mini Rugby Team 10 Jerseys

                Sponsor will have logo printed on front of shirt
                Also logo will be on team website at the top area of sponsorship page
                Media coverage with all local papers
                Mentioned on Facebook and link to their own website from our website
Photos of new kits and signage on Facebook page and full editorial on same

                Cost:  €250 for year

Additional signage to be at all functions and home games of a large sign printed with agreed signage: €50

Sponsor of Mini Rugby Team 20/10 Jerseys
            Sponsor will have logo printed on sleeve of jersey
            Also logo will be on team website at the lower area of sponsorship page
            Media coverage with all local papers
            Mentioned on Facebook and link to their own website from our website

            Cost:  €150 for 20 jerseys/€100 for 10 jerseys for year

Additional signage to be at all functions and home games of a large sign printed with agreed signage: €60

Additional Sponsorship Package
One large printed sign, with logo or info from sponsor

            This will be placed at all home games and any functions that we have

Mention on the low area of the website, with initial mention on Facebook at time of sponsorship

Cost: €70